The Baroque Orchestra Capella Tiberina was founded by musicologist, organ and harpsichord player Alexandra Nigito in order to blend a passion for early music with a rigorous approach to musicological research. CTO performs on historical instruments and features young and highly talented musicians, specialized in baroque music. CTO aims to diffuse the baroque repertoire of Italy, with a special emphasis on Rome and Neaples, and assumes various forms, from the orchestra to the small ensemble. CTO collaborates with internationally renowned musicians and singers and has recently recorded for the label Brilliant Classics the CDs Bernardo Pasquini. Passion Cantatas with Sharon Rostorf Zamir (soprano), Furio Zanasi (bass), and Giovanni Caruso (conductor); Francesco Mancini. 12 Recorder Concertos (Naples 1725), with Corina Marti (recorder); Domenico Scarlatti. Sonatas for Violin and Continuo, with Paolo Perrone (violin); Alessandro Scarlatti. 12 Sinfonie di concerto grosso, with Corina Marti (recorder).